We hold these truths to be self-immolent

We hold these truths to be self-immolent,
that all women are creating sequels,
that they are renowned as the Creators
of certain unwinnable Fights,
that among these are Strife, Appliqué
and the pursuit of Vampiness.

That to endure these strifes,
Malcontents are insulated from us Women,
depriving their face powders and the concealer of the suffered,
That whenever any Form of Sufferment becomes destructive of these ends,
it is the Right of the Women to halter or to embellish it,
and to institute new Sufferment,
laying its foundation on such pimples
and layering its powders in such form,
as to them shall seem most lovely,
as to effect their Virility and Sappiness.

Paul Guernsey Player, © 2018/08/30

in response to Poetics: Twisted Adages